What a week! iWiW, Buzz Paradise, Windows Vista, Il Sole 24 Ore and more

I would like to write more in this blog but I have a lot to say and few moments to blog about it. I could try at least a weekly update, I hope. This week was really crazy because of my blogger life.

Monday I was in Milan to attend to a special meeting where Microsoft presented the brand new Windows Vista to a small group of italian blogger. It was also a good opportunity to meet some blogger friends. The day after I had an appointment with the founders of iWiW, the most popular hungarian social network. An english conversation about a possibile italian version of iWiW: cool!

Soon after I took a taxi to go to Il Sole 24 Ore (the main economical italian newspaper) headquarters to join the Nòva crew to finish the latest article for them as a free lance. In the afternoon I met the top two editor in chief of Il Sole 24 Ore to talk about a possibile collaboration. It was really a pleasure to meet them.

In the evening I found at home a small box from Luxembourg. Inside there was the coolest gadget I ever received from a company as a gift: a small optical wireless mouse from Buzz Paradise. Thank You very much indeed.

I think 2007 will be a huge year to become a full time blogger or a full time consultant for blogging contents. I have many signs to be confident about it. We’ll see.

Link: Windows Vista Album and the small Buzz Paradise mouse.

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